If you have cardiovascular disease, or heart disease, then you may have experienced chest pain, shortness of breath, weakness, dizziness, and fatigue. While these are the most common manifestations of cardiovascular disorders, other symptoms such as back pain may also occur. Here are some ways cardiovascular disease can lead to back pain and what you can do about them. Inflammatory Response If you have heart disease, you may also have arterial inflammation.
If you have sustained a motor vehicle accident injury such as a whiplash injury, then you may have experienced severe neck pain, headache, shoulder pain, and spinal pain. While these are some of the most common symptoms of a whiplash injury, they typically heal very well with proper treatment such as immobilization with a cervical collar and pain medication. There are, however, other symptoms of whiplash that can indicate a severe or even life-threatening situation.
Although you feel great after having a chiropractic adjustment for your back, you may find that you start to have discomfort again after a few days. If this sounds like something that you are experiencing, it is possible that there are a couple of daily habits that you are maintaining that keep throwing your back out of alignment. 1. Sitting on Something Stuck in Your Back Pocket One back pain-causing problem that you may be in the habit of doing is sitting on something in your back pocket.
When you think of acupuncture, you generally think of needles on your back. While it is certainly true that many acupuncture needles are placed in your back, the acupuncturist may place needles in other parts of the body. If you visit an acupuncturist for the first time, you may be surprised to find that he or she places needles in your arms, legs, hands, feet, and even potentially in your face!
A few months ago, I realized that it was getting progressively more difficult to move around like I used to. Lifting was a chore, sleeping was difficult, and bending over was absolutely grueling. My back hurt when I did just about anything, so I decided to seek help. I contacted a chiropractor in my area for help, and it was amazing how helpful the chiropractor was. I was able to get in for an appointment the same day, and my problems melted away as the doctor worked on my back. My blog details my journey, so that you can see how helpful the right care can be.